Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Haute Mama Mayhem

In case you missed it recently, I happily announced that I am a contributing writer for the women's e-magazine, Miss A!  Now that the cat is out of the bag, I can confess that I've been a little quieter than usual because I have been working on my first few articles.  It was one of those opportunities I kind of just stumbled upon, but was so unbelievably excited about once presented.  Everyone I've "met" (and by "met" I mean talked over e-mail with) so far seems amazing, and I am REALLY looking forward to being a part of their team.  I really hope anyone reading checks out their site,  and enjoys reading all they have to offer.  

That doesn't mean I'll be neglecting my personal blog here (at least I hope it doesn't)- it just means I'll have an awesome place to write about some different topics.  Being a sahm, 7-8 months pregnant, starting to "really" write, and toss in, say, life in general...methinks things are about to get interesting.

With all of my recent Internet research for Miss A, one thing has come up consistently that I'm just not getting: Pinterest.  I've known about this fad for a while now- people pin things they like, almost like a scrap book of recipes, how to's, and inspirational ideas; but somehow, I still just don't "get" it.  Maybe it's because I'm not a scrapbook-er of any kind.  My recipe box is filled with cards growing dust since before my wedding, and Cam's baby book, well, I'm embarrassed to admit it still has the sticker on it- totally untouched.  Maybe it's because I'm a lover of quick Internet searches via google, and enjoy mashing up 4 recipes to make up my own.  Whatever the reason, I'm just not understanding the hype.  But my question to myself is, can THAT many people be wrong about something?  Maybe I'm not getting the love for it, but it's so popular that it's hard to ignore that maybe they're seeing something I'm not.  Smell a challenge? Your nose is spot on! Next week, I am going to use Pinterest.  I mean REALLY use it...I will pin and use recipes.  I will pin and use how to's.  I will attempt to make my own pins.  Maybe, by the end of the week, I'll magically fall in love with this virtual pin board and happily retract my former misunderstandings, or maybe I still just won't get it.  Either way, I look forward to giving it a shot.  

In the mean time, writing aside, the hubs and I have been joking that we're going to be running around like chickens with our heads cut off until the little man arrives.  In the next week alone, we have 3 doctor appointments between us, I have a lunch with the school moms, we are driving to Michigan and back for a family visit, AND we have a maternity photo shoot.  Yes...all that, in the next 7 days (not to mention preparation for all of the above).  All that to do, when all I REALLY want to do is sleep.  Of course, with so much going on, I'm in the throes of the third trimester sleepies.  Not only am I simply tired because he's growing (and I'm growing), but his insistence on residing across my ribs has been causing some seriously uncomfortable sleeping (or not sleeping, I should say).  This is kind of new for me, since I didn't have quite as much discomfort with the nug- but then again, she was super pint sized.  I'm kind of convinced he might already weigh now what she did when she was born (it certainly feels that way!).  It makes for interesting sleep times...my bed looks like a pillow fortress.  I'm pretty sure by the end of the night, my poor hubs is left with half a pillow to rest his head while I have 4-5 under my head and back, and a boppy that starts out wedged under my belly but ends up, well, elsewhere.  

One thing is for sure, it's going to be a crazy couple of months.  With lots planned, lots to get done, a wacky nug along for the ride and a little boy due to arrive in FIVE to EIGHT WEEKS, it's going to be a doozy of a summer-- I can't flippin' wait!  Feel free to go to Miss A's Haute Mama section to check out my current articles and some great articles by other talented Mama's.  There are some great sections on charity, fashion, beauty and local sections, too!  Have a great week!

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