Thursday, May 24, 2012

What's your time worth?

One of the oldest cliches out there says that time is a precious commodity.  I agree.  I've learned to appreciate my time greatly since we had the nug 2.5 years ago.  Before having her, we had nothing but time.  Sure, we worked.  We went out with friends and took vacations.  But time wasn't an issue...there was always ample time to do what we wanted, when we wanted. it seems there's never enough time.  The last two and a half years have been the fastest of my life; with our little family juggling time together, time apart, time alone, work, play, friends.  Wouldn't it be cool, though, it time were REALLY a commodity?  I mean, as in one that you could trade on the stock market?  Obviously, being TIME, and not a product, that could never happen.  But think about it...if someone who had too much time on their hands could sell you an hour?  Traders scrambling to find the current value of time.  It's kind of a funny idea to toss around.

It's not all bad.  Having less time not only helps you to appreciate it more, but helps you to spend it more wisely.  If I'm going to spend a Friday night away from my husband and daughter, it's going to be for a three hour gabfest with two of my oldest girlfriends.  If the hubs is going to spend a day away from the nug and I on a weekend, it's going to be for a round of golf with his Dad or best friend.  When you don't have much additional time to spare, it needs to be worth it to give it up.  I realized, at the late old age of 30 (I kid), that time really IS a precious commodity.

At 30 weeks pregnant, time has been on my mind a lot lately.  I need time to write.  I want time to relax.  I need time to get the nursery ready.  I want time to spend with my husband and daughter.  There's a lot I want and need to do in the next 8-11 weeks.  It sounds like a lot of time when you say "two to three months," but the truth is, if I had a trip planned for 8 weeks from now, I'd probably be out shopping for it, writing a check list of things to pack, tasks to be completed, etc.  Potentially 8 weeks out from having a baby, we are wholly unprepared.  Not to mention, most of our weekends are taken up through the second weekend of July (you know, when I'll be just over 37 weeks).  In a way, it's nice.  I know I'll see the people I want to see, I know the little odds and ends of things we want to get finished will be, but some days, just when we think we're on top of things, we run out of time.

Of course, we're never really "out of time," until, well, we are.  Since none of us knows when that is (I for one, hope to be drinking ensure out of martini glasses well into my golden years with my husband by my side making that annoying face he makes when he thinks you've said something stupid), the best any of us can do is to make our time worth it.  Of course, we all have to do things we don't want to do, that's just a part of life, I don't mean to spend 100% of your time only doing things you find fun and wonderful.  I just mean to value the worth of your time.  Don't waste time with people who waste yours.  Don't waste time with petty games, grievances or "friends."  Don't waste your time thinking the grass is always greener.  If you have friends you love or genuinely enjoy spending time with, make time for them.  If you find peace in meditation or God or Church, make time for it.  If you have a family that is important to you, make time for them.  Even if you live a hundred years, life is too short for some of the silliness I see people let themselves get involved in.

Last night, the hubs and I were looking at pictures of the nug's first summer.  She was one butterball of a baby, with the cutest, chubbiest little thighs imaginable.  That was two years ago already.  With time flying so fast I see no room to mess around.  Which is why I'm going to log off now and spend the rest of the day with my now 2.5 year old, not remotely chubby little girl.  Man I miss those rolls...

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