Over the years, I've struggled with my weight. I got depressed in high school and put on a lot of weight. I fell in love my senior year (with my now husband) and lost a ton. I gained back some in college when we spent 5 nights a week drinking and ordering fried chicken and pizza. I've fluctuated all over the place through the years. One thing has always remained, whether I was a size 2 or a size 12- and that's those big hips. When I was younger I had no appreciation for them. I saw nothing sexy about them. I banged (and still bang) them into corners almost constantly. For one thing, it's hard to dress them; especially nowadays when my upper body is SO teeny tiny (I'm now a pear shape, I suppose- with a super tiny upper body and those same big hips with a little bit of mommy belly thrown in). I can never find pants that fit exactly right on those hips without a gap the size of Texas on the back side.
Then yesterday, as I balanced a full laundry basket on one hip and my 20+ lb son on the other, I realized these hips are damn useful. Not only am I able to balance lots of extra weight on them when I'm doing a million things around the house, having such big hips helped allow for really quick, uncomplicated childbirths. My Cami girl was a 6.5 hour labor, 3 pushes; and, well, Benny flew into the world after a 2.5 hour labor and one push (I'm not even really sure you could say that I pushed...is it called pushing when they are pretty damn adamant about joining the world that fast??). And the pants? Well, when I DO find pairs that fit correctly, those hips fill 'em out pretty nice. I'm not sure if Cami girl will inherit these Italian hips of mine, but if she does, I hope she can come to appreciate them the way that I have as an adult. And...to the girl who mentioned my figure in middle school- thanks again :)