Sunday, April 1, 2012

New week, new challenge!

Now that it's been a few days, I have to say, getting used to using my opposite hand has been a royal pain in the ass.  I'm absolutely aware it could be worse; I'm not in a ton of pain and I'm relatively good at adapting when needed.  However, little things are annoying me that I hadn't quite the fact that I can't seem to open anything myself (doors, jars, bottles, packages)- I manage to eventually get things open, but the process takes much longer and at times creates more pain.  It also takes longer to get showered and dressed, and as for make up? It look a few pokes in the eye before I got the mascara with my left hand thing to work (haven't attempted liner yet...I can't figure out how to hold it!).  Getting the nug dressed has been interesting (as have her meal times and diaper changes), and getting her in and out of her car seat is probably one of the tougher parts; but all in all, we're doing okay.

Yesterday was a super crabby day...I hate asking for help so when I have to do it a lot, I tend to get snippy.  I'm hoping that the swelling goes down sooner than later so that I can slip my ugly thumb into a smaller splint.  As for my challenge of the week?  I'm going to try a do-over of my To-Do list challenge, but adding eating well and exercise into the mix.  

Prior to getting pregnant I was on a great diet and exercise routine.  I didn't deprive myself of things I really wanted; I ate what I craved in moderation and worked out 5-6 days a week.  I had planned to continue on that path once expecting, but early on we had some issues that changed that.  On the advice of my doctor, I discontinued my exercise routine.  Once I was clear into the second trimester, he did say I could start (albeit slowly) to become active again.  With that I resumed my usual "around the house" activities of cleaning (vacuuming, tidying, etc) and shuffling the full laundry baskets up and down two flights of stairs. Now that I'm a little over halfway there, I'm starting to feel the weight of not exercising (no pun intended, however the pun would be true...).  I miss feeling strong and energetic and in peak shape (I was in the best shape of my life as of yet), not to mention the fabulous mental boost I got from consistent exercise and eating to fuel my body.  

Of course, the diet part is just me falling off the wagon.  At the onset of things I craved anything full of fat and salty (cheeseburgers, french fries, pizza, etc).  I'd never experienced such strong food urges before and being a reformed emotional eater totally relapsed into the poor eating habits of my younger days.  Now that it's been like this a few months, I'm fully ready to get back on track and make sure I don't gain too much weight (and of course, make sure little man gets the best nutrition I can give him).  Thankfully my sinful ways haven't had me gain TOO much weight (the doctor says I'm on target, which is reassuring), but I could see it spiraling out of control if I don't take the reigns.

I do think this is going to be a pretty big challenge (bum finger and all), but since I really think exercise contributed to my "easy" labor and delivery the first time, I'd love to get back into the habit ASAP.  Of course no labor is truly "easy"- but having had a 6 hour/3 push labor the first time, I'll do whatever is in my power to help that happen again. Not to mention the energy boost I could definitely use these days (I don't think I've ever craved sleep so much in my life at the end of these long days).

Here's hoping for a week of non-crabby, to-do listing, exercising goodness!! Happy April!

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